케이스가 두 가지 있다.
1) vCenter 를 사용하여 연결
2) ESXi 에 다이렉트로 연결
1) vCenter 연결의 경우 스토리지 복제를 끊고 새 데이터스토어를 선택하면, Datastore name(header) 와 같은 형식으로 되어 있는 LUN 한개를 선택하면(해당 Datastore에 포함된 모든 LUN이 ESXi에 붙어 있다면) 기존 Datastore name으로 Datastore를 생성할 수 있다.(데이터 유지)
2) ESXi 에 다이렉트 연결의 경우 동일하게 구성은 할 수 있으나, GUI 상에서 복제 볼륨은 조회가 되지 않는다.
esxcli 커맨드로 입력해야 하며, 커맨드는 다음 메뉴얼 참조
mount는 복제가 끊긴 볼륨을 그대로 mount 하는 것이며, resignation은 단어 그대로 복제 볼륨을 snap 볼륨이 아닌, 독립 볼륨으로 붙인다.(증설이 가능하다)
DR 훈련 때는 증설 할 일이 없으므로 어떤 것으로 붙여도 무방하며, unmount/삭제 도 어차피 복제 걸면 초기화 되므로 어떤 걸 선택해도 무방하다.(개인적으로 mount and 삭제 추천)
ESXi 6.x and 7.x
vSphere Client
- Log in to the vSphere Client and navigate to vCenter Home.
- Click Datastores in the menu on the left.
- In the Objects tab click the Create a new datastore icon in the top left.
- Type the datastore name and if required, select the placement location for the datastore.
- Select VMFS as the datastore type.
- From the list of storage devices, select the device that has a specific value displayed in the Snapshot Volume column.
Note: The value present in the Snapshot Volume column indicates that the device is a copy that contains a copy of an existing VMFS datastore. - Under Mount Options, select the desired option (Keep existing, Assign new, Format) for your volume and click Next.
- Review the datastore configuration information.
- Click Finish.
Command line
- Connect to the ESXi host with an SSH session and root credentials
- To list the volumes detected as snapshots, run this command:
You see output similar to:
Volume Name: VMFS_1
VMFS UUID: 49d22e2e-996a0dea-b555-001f2960aed8
Can mount: true
Reason for un-mountability:
Can resignature: true
Reason for non-resignaturability:
Unresolved Extent Count: 1
- To mount a snapshot/replica LUN that is persistent across reboots, run this command:
For example:
esxcli storage vmfs snapshot mount -u "49d22e2e-996a0dea-b555-001f2960aed8"
- To mount a snapshot/replica LUN that is not persistent across reboots, run this command:
For example:
- To resignature a snapshot/replica LUN (the volume is mounted immediately after the resignature), run this command:
For example:
- To mount the volume without performing a resignaturing of that volume (this volume is mounted when the ESX host is rebooted), run this command:
For example:
Note: To view the datastores again in vCenter Server, you may have to perform a rescan of the storage adapters on all ESXi hosts that the datastore is presented to or a refresh of the storage view. If you are having trouble identifying the affected datastore, in the vSphere client, check the storage view of another ESXi host that still has the datastore mounted correctly. This will then allow you to correlate VMFS datastore name with NAA LUN identifier.
출처 : Troubleshooting LUNs detected as snapshot LUNs in vSphere (1011387) (vmware.com)
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