본문 바로가기

OVF export/import

by 도경다경 2022. 3. 31.

내가 사용한 명령어는 아래


■ Export Sample
PS C:\Program Files\vmware\VMware OVF Tool> .\ovftool.exe vi://root@ d:\export_name.ovf

Accept SSL fingerprint (3A:E1:68:2E:16:1F:6E:26:4F:98:16:B9:EB:BB:25:62:28:C4:B9:BB) for host as source type.
Fingerprint will be added to the known host file
Write ‘yes’ or ‘no’
Enter login information for source vi://
Username: root
Password: ********
Opening VI source: vi://root@
Opening OVF target: d:\export_name.ovf
Writing OVF package: d:\export_name.ovf
Disk progress: 100%
Transfer Completed
Completed successfully


■ Import Sample
PS C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool> .\ovftool.exe --noSSLVerify --datastore=Datastore_Name d:\import_OVF_name.ovf vi://root@ ESXi/vCenter)

※ "-" 옵션에 하이픈 2개 주의

Opening OVF source: d:\import_OVF_name.ovf
The manifest validates
Enter login information for target vi://
Username: root
Password: ********
Opening VI target: vi://root@
Deploying to VI: vi://root@
Transfer Completed
Completed successfully



상세 내용 및 옵션은 링크 참조

(Online Documentation - OVF Tool User's Guide - VMware {code})


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